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22 items found for ""

  • Because It Was Her, Because It Was Him | Noire Pictures

    Because It Was Her, Because It Was Him ( TV Series) ​ ​ by Paula du Gelly ​ Project to be produced ** Script and Bible available on request. Because It Was Him, Because It Was It is a TV series with standalone episodes. It has as its plot female characters going through a life crisis. Set in different parts of the world, women of different ages, social classes and ethnicity- the female gender will be explored. The stories are funny, tragic, sexy, serious, hysterical and sad. ​ ​ ​ ​ Because It Was Her, Because It Was Him © 2017, Paula du Gelly. All rights reserved. ​

  • The Speakeasy | Noire Pictures

    The Speakeasy ( TV Pilot) * Script and Bible available on request When a once successful entrepreneur - and head of a family finds himself involved in a crime, aging, disruption of his position of power and rigidity to change in a new digital society - he needs to learn to lose control gracefully and ... with Jazz Music from the 1930's!!

  • Team | Noire Pictures

    Paula Gelly - Founder Nascida em Sāo Paulo. Aprende violāo e canto dos 11 anos. Dos 17 anos vai a Los Angeles estudar Dança e Teatro. Dos 18 anos, ganha uma bolsa de estudos no Alvin Ailey Dance Center em New York. Volta ao Brasil, faz pate de Musicais como Sweet Charity, Fosse. Através da Ford Models faz parte de diversos trabalhos publicitarios em midia televisiva e impressa. Modela para diferentes fotografos. Em 2008, vai a Seattle como atriz principal do espetaculo “ A Rosa do Rio” - no prestigioso Teatro Zinzanni. Em 2009, muda-se para Los Angeles onde estuda filmaking e treino formal em atuaçāo - tornando-se atriz profissional com o renomado professor Arthur Mendoza ( Stella Adler Technique). Faz parte de mais de 30 peças de teatro, sonetos de Shakespeare e filmes independentes. Estuda roteiro com Robert Mckee. Em 2016, escreve, produz, dirige e atua em seu curta metragem A História da Menininha Que Amava Borboletas. O filme ganha premio de melhor filme em Paris, Londres, Los Angeles, Grécia e Irā - é selecionado para 18 festivais - incluindo Cannes Court Metrage - Short Film Corner 2016 e convite especial da UNICEF no festival de Direitos Humanos na Papua Nova Guiné. Estuda criaçao e roterizaçao de serie de TV com Jen Grisanti - NBC. Atualmente esta trabalhando na criaçao de dois longas e duas series de TV de sua autoria - bem como na publicaçāo de um livro de contos com advisory de Gabriel Perez Barreiro - curador da #33 Bienal de Sāo Paulo. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ​ Started playing acoustic guitar by the age of 11. By the age of 17 went to Los Angeles, to study Theatre and Dance. At 18, got a scholarship at The Alvin Ailey Dance Center in New York City. ​ Back to Brazil, studied acting at Grupo Tapa and Popular Singing at Universidade de Musica Tom Jobim. Performed on Broadway musicals such as Fosse, Sweet Charity and Chicago.Through Ford Models Sao Paulo was part of many commercials and prints in Brazil and Europe. Estabilishes partnerships with photographers and directors. In 2008 went to Seattle to lead the show " A Rosa do Rio", at Teatro Zinzanni. In 2009, moved to Los Angeles her current residency, where she studied acting and filmmaking in depth under the direction of Arthur Mendoza (Stella Adler Tequinique) - being part of over 30 plays, including Shakespeare sonnets and independent films. In 2016, writes, produces, directs and acts on her short film The Story of the Little Girl Who Loved Butterflies. The film wins best short film in Paris, London, Los Angeles, Greece and it is selected to the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Festival 2016 and 14 other film festivals all over the world. ​ Studies screenwriting with Robert McKee. Studies TV Series writing with Jen Grisanti - NBC. ​ Currently working on two feature film scripts, Tv Series of her authorship - as well as publishing her short stories book with the advisory of Gabriel Perez - Barreiro #33 Bienal de Sāo Paulo curator.

  • SCRIPT DOCTORING | Noire Pictures

    Script Doctoring Noire Pictures oferece consultoria e serviços de Script Doctoring. Contate- nos para maiores informaçoes e preços.

  • LORI | Noire Pictures

    LORI *script upon request Lori, a young woman who accidentally locks herself out of her apartment. When she has her new set of keys made at her neighborhood locksmith she learns that not only her door was locked, but her entire self. ​ Script: Paula Gelly Director of Photography: Cesar Charlone ​ ​ Lori © 2021, Paula du Gelly. All rights reserved.

  • Hail Morphine | Noire Pictures

    Hail Morphine! by Paula Gelly ​ Short film to be produced. Script upon request ​ ​ ​ Logline ​ Cecily receives an unsolicited visitor inside her car: a panic attack. ​ ​

  • My Loves (A Short Sci-Fi) | Noire Pictures

    MY LOVES - a short sci-fi *script upon request Tom Vevel Downe's legendary work gets destroyed during a flood - leaving the photographer devastated. Determined to salvage his work and career, he hires a team to help him. When one of the chemists develops a magical potion, what was supposed to be helpful turns out to ruin his life.

  • DIgital Cage | Noire Pictures

    DIGITAL CAGE an agony Feature Film to be produced. ​ please click on the downloadable image below for the presentation.

  • Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town | Noire Pictures

    SANTA KLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN ​ feature film to be produced LOGLINE ​ Trying to save a patient from an accident, Elaine, a lonely doctor suddenly must jump into a new role of her unfulfilled life: a dancer! DANCE DANCE DANCE!! SINOPSYS ​ Set in contemporary Sao Paulo, Brazil "Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town" is a romantic comedy about becoming a person of your own. Just before Christmas, Elaine, a Catholic lonely doctor on her 60’s receives a phone call from her ballerina neighbor - who just suffered a severe injury during rehearsals for a Christmas Show. Elaine runs over to the dance studio to examine her. As the neighbor leaves the studio the choreographer asks Elaine to mark her neighbor’s spot on the dance floor as they rush to get the show ready. On the dance floor, Jazz music and stylized movements with other dancers Elaine lights up and falls in love with dance and the dance world. Overcoming her limited beliefs, she enrolls for class to be part of the Christmas Show. However Elaine’s dream is at stake when her only left family member - her older sister Margot - must go for a delicate surgery just before the show.

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